Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Believest thou the words which I shall speak? 2


Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie. 

And again, verily I say unto you, O inhabitants of the earth: I the Lord am willing to make these things known unto all flesh;

For I am no respecter of persons…. 

How many really believe that the Lord is no respecter of persons.  Or better, how many really have faith that the Lord is no respecter of persons? 

Perhaps thou shalt say:
 This man is special; he was visited when he was 14, or 15.  These things are reserved for only a select few.  I have had not special experiences, so I must not be special.
Or perhaps thou shalt say:

Aunt Betty was love incarnate.  She worked tirelessly her whole life to feed the poor and every week in the temple, she took her own names through. She had scripture study each night, magnified all her callings, paid a full tithe, cured cancer and won the Nobel peace prize.  I remember as she lay dying, she told me not to worry, that she would finally get to see the face of the Savior, and she was ready. If she did not, how can I?

Is this not a form of unbelief?  Are you not making your own judgment, based on your own limited wisdom and knowledge that either Aunt Betty SHOULD have obtained the heavenly gift, OR that you would have to do MORE (not different) that she did?  Do you do this on a smaller scale?

If these things seem to clash, then what one do you trust?  In what idea have you placed your faith? 

Do you have faith in the perceived discrepancies or in the promise that the Lord is no respecter of persons? 

Do you know God cannot lie?


  1. First time visit here. I like what I see.

    So I have also pondered on this theme. I know several people who I admire so much that I feel honored by their presence. I believe that if I had to stack them up against me, they would beat me every time. Yet, I know through conversations with them on the topic they have not yet experienced some of the events that I have experienced. And yet, I consider myself the weakest of the Saints.

    We tend to rank "worthiness" as the topmost (and maybe only) requisite for interaction with the divine. Perhaps the act of knocking and seeking is more important than we rank it. Perhaps being free of a tendency to stake up God (in other words, projecting our understanding on him rather than freeing our minds from the traditions of our fathers) is more important than we rank it. Perhaps seeking and following personal revelation is more important than we think. Or maybe God really does look more at our hearts than our outward appearance...

    1. Rob, agreed. I literally deserved none of the experiences, God has chosen to give me. These also happened at times when I was not seeking them, but I was seeking the Lord's will, nor when I expected anything to happen. I just believed it would happen when the Lord thought I was ready, and I was always trying to put my faith into action. Then when Godly experiences happened, along with light and knowledge, I was prepared. In the outward, I was downtrodden but in the inward, I was taken higher than I could have even imagined! Rob, do you have a contact email? I am reading your blog and books.

  2. Belief is the foundation of all godliness. When we repent from the state of unbelief and enter into belief we allow ourselves the opportunity to see these things as God would have us see them. Joseph was a believer. He claimed that the saints "...believe all things..." (Article of Faith 13) The more we can "believe all things", the more we can progress.
